(Click here to learn about Wolf Diseases)
Lolo wolf/elk study. This video explains why Idaho wolf populations aren't coming down!
A 2009 Idaho legislative report estimates each Idaho elk has an economic value of $8,000 which in 2021 translates to almost $10,000!!
8-2019, Washington wolf packs removed but cattle are still dying!
7-2018 Washington Student is chased up a tree near a popular, public campground to escape a pack of wolves and is rescued by Helicopter:
After wolves tree female student the plot thickens as wolf loving Washington state Wildlife officials attempt to order helicopter crew to "STAND DOWN" in hopes of delaying rescue as they obstruct, impede, and attempt to hide truth so they can protect the sanctify of the wolves over the girl!
1-24-2018 Amazing video shows a pack of wolves surrounding hunters in Oregon
12-19-2017 Washington state spends $15,000 to shoot wolf after they wasted $147,000 on frivolous wolf deterrents to protect livestock that have proven to never work!
Wolves kill 154 Cattle in just one Northwest Minnesota County!
12-3-2017 Volunteers feed lichen to save caribou, says “The number of caribou plummeted after wolves recolonized the area starting in 2009
Wolf advocates admit, "Ranchers were right," Wolves and cattle can't share the public lands in Arizona and New Mexic." "The cows have to go."
Courageous Kazakhstan man kills wolf with bare hands after wolf severely attacks him!
12-2017 Video by J.D. King tells how the wolf is destroying so many ranchers
7-17-2017 Report: Wolf and Livestock Deaths Hit Record High in Wyoming
3-27-2017- Wolf caused damage in Manitoba further proves wolves and man CANNOT peacefully co-exist!
What Animal Rights Activists don't tell you about wolves!
More ridiculous fantasy science in this Smithsonian video, "Mystery in Yellowstone” in which lake trout ate the cutthroat trout resulting in the fish eating grizzly bears not having any fish to eat so they were forced to eat the elk!! I.e. mystery of radically declining elk population explained by lake trout!!!
3-8-2017- Siberia allows tourists to hunt wolves by helicopter to solve horrible wolf epidemic!
3-9-2017 - Cost of Wolves; Federal Government says "Other predators are not even in the same league in terms of damage complaints"
2-23-2017 Idaho For Wildlife wins lawsuit over wolf hunting contest!
8-12-16 Banning trapping in Russia leads to explosion of wolves, severe livestock predation leading to poverty and a bounty on wolves!
5-3-2016 163 wolves killed in second year of B.C.’s controversial wolf cull tp save caribou herds
4-11-2016 Managing Wolves Is Managing People by James A. Swan, PhD.
3-24-2016 Wyoming wolves surplus kill 19 elk in one night!
2-16-2016 British Columbia wolf cull needed to save elk and moose, says biologist
1-29-2015 British Columbia Wolf cull to save threatened caribou supported by conservation group
3-2015: An Oregon cattleman's worst nightmare! Oregon wolf pack stampedes 250 pregnant cows!
12-5-2014: DNA analysis shows Southeast Alaska wolves aren't subspecies
10-30-2014: Wolves set a new record for the number of confirmed cattle kills in Catron Country NM in 2014!
This study reveals that 5 ranchers lost a total of 651 cattle valued at over $382,000 causing 2 ranchers to go broke and one to stop raising cattle!
New Mexico Mexican wolf recovery collateral Damage Identification
Kazakhstan: Villagers use 'guard wolves' for protection
10-22-2014: Alberta approves killing 6 wolves in National park after cows were "ripped open from one end to the other’"!
5-27-2014: Dog killed by wolves in Idaho City close to homes
3-10-2014: Maybe wolves don't change rivers after all?
4-14-2014: Wolf-driven trophic cascade is overblown
4-2-2014: Environmentalists crying wolf? New study shows YNP "Trophic Cascade" Worshippers may have been mistaken?
Cows witnessing wolf attacks suffer symptoms similar to PTSD
2-2014 Dr. David Mech, the man who invented "Balance of nature", refutes his own claim. Says "Balance of Nature" a Myth
8-17-2013: Wolves kill 176 sheep in Idaho in one night! Feds say stay away!
2-28-2013 Radical wolf advocates at the international wolf center give the "Grey,the Movie", the "scat award for 2012!
2-7-2013 One dead wolf brings $1,000 in Siberia due to the terrible destruction caused by wolves!
wolves killed more than 16,000 domestic reindeer and 300 horses in 2012!
1-26-2013 Wolves are threatening a unique population of Canadian bison in Siberia
1-8-2013 NY times-Siberia Is Thick With Wolves, and Hunters Are in Demand due to this emergency!
11-7-2012 Study Finds Wolves’ Presence May Reduce Elk Population in Several Ways
10-16-2012 Petersens hunting releases graphic photos of Wisconsin wolf pack killed dog
6-28-2012 What to do if you are attacked by a pack of wolves
6-16-2012: Wolf case won't to to the supreme court
3-9-2012 : Donate your horse to feed our wolves...
3-8-2012 Idaho Gov. Otter wants more federal money for wolves
3-5-2011 Barker: Will wolves also dwell with the lambs?
2-27-2012 Wolf Seen By Kalispell Middle School
2-23-2012 14 wolves killed in Lolo Zone from helicopter
1-29-2012 New diet may keep wolves of cattle!
1-21-2012 Tajik Granny Escapes Wolf's Jaws
1-8-2012 Hungry interior Yellowstone pack moves north killing other YNP wolves along the way.
12-18-2011 WOLVES: View from a student
12-2011 Ted Nugent Video, "The only good wolf is a dead wolf"
11-25-2011 Wolf experience on Vancouver Island holds harsh lesson
11-22-2011 The Predator Death Spiral by Guy Easman
11-21-2012 All Wolves Must Die in Sweden! Swedish political party pledges War On Wolves
10-12-2011 Idaho Grandmother Becomes The Hunted In Idaho Wolf Attack Click here for (Video)
11-10-2011 Idaho wolf trapping beginning 11-15-2011
8-3-2011- Malloy upholds delisting of wolves in Montana and Idaho
6-8-2011 Bruce Babbitt blasts decision to delist wolves in Idaho
6-5-2011 Has twilight come for America's wolves?
6-3-2011 Washington Revises Wolf Plan For Public Review; Goal Is 15 Successful Breeding Pairs -(Plan)
6-3-2011 Wolves Face Open Season After Protections Stripped by Budget Bill
5-25-2011 Wolves recovered, myths persist
5-23-2011-Wolves killing fewer cattle in Wyoming than in Montana, Idaho
6-25-2011-Elk City, ID, Attempts to kill wolves are showing few results
5-17-2011-Elk City, ID, Party's over for Elk City wolves as kill permits are issued!
5-9-2011 Dr. Valerius Geist Addresses Boone & Crocket on Hydatid Disease
1-2011 Elk City, ID wolves moving into town after elk, citizens worried, dogs killed
5-10-2011-How many wolves are just right in Idaho? Virgil Moore claims we need 518 to 732!
5-4-2011 Obama administration takes wolves off endangered species list1
3-28-2011 GPS technology shows that Wolves are More Reliant On a Cattle Diet
1-22-2011 Stevensville, MT landowners say wolves driving elk herd onto properties
1-19-2011 Siberian hunters chase 400-strong wolf pack
1-6-2011 Group tries to force national wolf recovery
1-5-2011 Wildlife Services Wolf Management Plan for Idaho
1-4-2011 The Source of the Harmless Wolf Myth..By Dr. Valerius Geist
1-3-2011 Living with Wolves and No Right of Protection
12-14-2010 Study to use thermal imaging cameras to study mange in park wolves
12-11-2010 Feds want to turn species management over to the states
12-9-2010 Wolves kill 27 sheep near Ulm, MT
12-9-2010 Video: Interview With Idaho Woman Who Encountered Wolves In Her Yard
11-18-2010 U.S. District Judge Johnson: USFWS rejection of Wyoming Wolf Management plan was arbitrary and capricious ----------------(Click here for PDF of decision)
9-8-2010 Idaho Governor Otter tells Feds he is ready to walk away from Wolf managment
Message from our frustrated Montana Ranchers!
8-18-2010 Idaho Fish And Game Commission’s Bark With No Bite!
8-12-2010: Montana sportsmen group asks state to control wolves with the 10j rule.
8-6-2010: U.S. judge's decision overrules Utah's wolf management plan
8-6-2010: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Calls on Congress to Reform Endangered Species Act
8-5-2010: Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity wants wolves on every doorstep!
8-5-2010-Judge orders wolves back on Endangered Species List (See Ruling here)
3-2010 Findings Related to the March 2010 Fatal Wolf Attack near Chignik Lake, Alaska
2-27-2010: Lolo Zone elk herd dwindling fast due to wolves
2-26-2010 Sun Valley residents concerned about wolves entering town
2-17-2010 Living With Wolves: The Cost for Ranchers
IDFG Commissoner Randy Budge admits wolves have had a devastating impact on elk numbers!
Gray wolves killed 1 stock animal per day in MT during 2009!
1-21-2010 Utah lawmaker puts wolves in his crosshairs
12-2009 Wolves decline in Yellowstone, due to canibalism and loss of prey base (USA Today)
Montana 2009 wolf season recap
9-24-2009 Alaska: Predator reduction increasing moose, caribou populations
9-23-2009; Great Lakes Wolves placed back on the Endangered Species act once again!
9-14-2009: Sarah Palin was right: Herds rebound under predator control
9-3-2009: Hunter badmouthed and harrassed over legal wolf harvest
9-1-2009: Judge weighs wolf decision as Idaho hunters head out
8-2009: Idaho legislative report estimates Idaho is loosing 24M in revenue due to wolves!
8-28-2009: Wolves sport kill 120 sheep near Dillon, MT!........(Click here for Photos)
8-17-2009: Idaho announces a Fall Wolf hunt to harvest 220 wolves
8-2009: Dr. Valerius Geist, "When ignorance is bliss".
8-10-2009: 20 plus states have rejected the offer of taking any Idaho wolves!
The Wildland Project: What is it and how does it effect us??
Did Teddy Roosevelt See Different Wolves Than Historians Claim Existed Once In N. Rockies?
7-15-2009 Greater Yellowstone elk suffer worse nutrition and lower birth rates due to wolves
6-30-2009: Wolves, Wyoming, and Where We Go From Here, by Harriet Hageman & Kara Brighton
6-2-2009: Defenders of Wildlife and 12 other conservation groups file lawsuit to reverse wolf delisting
YouTube video “North Yellowstone Wolf vs. Rocky Mountain Elk”
4-24-2009; Oregon wolves kill 23 lambs in 2 nights!
4-14-2009: YouTube Video on Surplus Killing
12-6-2008 Idaho's Lolo Zone: ""Of the known causes of death, 75 percent are wolves," Pauley said. "Wolves appear to be driving low cow survival."
Big game drop attributed to wolf pack increase
Wolves Reducing Elk Populations in Montana
Wolves, An Outfitters View (ESPN Story
Fish and Game: Number of domestic animals killed by wolves has increased
Wolf impact on ungulate herds grows critical in Lolo-Selway country
Winter Severity and Wolf Predation on a Formerly Wolf-free Elk Herd
Yellowstone National Park's gray wolves impact elk
Elk in Yellowstone are in trouble
Indisputable Evidence that ELK are in TROUBLE!
Wolf Pack slaughters nearly 50 birds
Wolves kill 52 sheep near Burgdorf in 9-2003!
1-27-2011: Changing Times for the Gray Wolf
Infectious Diseases of Wolves in Yellowstone