Lolo wolf/elk study. This video explains why Idaho wolf populations aren't coming down!
BC Biologist states it's not habitat killing Caribou calves, it's predators. “100 calves died, three of disease and 97 from predators."" Those are utterly astounding numbers."
B.C. wolf cull needed to save elk and moose says biologist. Entire herds disappearing. Expert says outcry over wolf culs to save mountain caribou is "misguided."
Expert says elk are living along roads and houses to escape predators and their high visibility gives a false impression of lots of elk but in fact the elk have largely vanished from the backcountry where they used to be great in numbers.
4-2014 Have wolves really saved Yellowstone? More studies expose the "Trophic Cascade" fraud perpetuated by so called wolf biologists!
3-5-2014 Research shows cows aren't crying wolf
Cows witnessing wolf attacks suffer symptons similar to PTSD
2-2013: New decade-long YNP experiment exposes "Trophic Cascade" myth perpetuated by so called wolf "Scientists"
4-2012 Dr. David Mech's article, "Is science in danger of sanctifying the wolf"?
3-11-2012 Dr. Valerius Geist speech on the North American Model of wildlife conservation given in Limerick, Ireland 2006
3-2012 Fatal Wolf and Coyote Interaction – this is how wolves kill other canines
1-20-2012 Mountian Caribou infusion in Canada requires wolf cull: MLA
6-1-2011 Wolves switch up to beef, says study
12-29-2010 Wolf size depends on when they last ate
10-13-2010-Study finds wolves genetically diverse and dispersing despite radical enviro's claims
9-2-2010-Are Wolves Saving Yellowstone's Aspen Trees from Elk?
4-7-2010, Idaho's Lolo zone elk population drops 57% in just 4 years! Wolves proven to be largest cause of mortality.
Science Daily also agrees that wolves are not saving Yellowstone's aspen trees as the agenda driven enviro's claim!
12-6-2008 Idaho's Lolo Zone: ""Of the known causes of death, 75 percent are wolves," Pauley said. "Wolves appear to be driving low cow survival."
Defenders of Wildlife admits that predators limit game populations in the recent article, "The Lost Frontier In Alaska's war on predators, politics trumps science". ----Dr. Charles Kay writes a preface to this.
Summary of Alaska's predator management program
Arthur T. Bergerud, " Wolf predation in a multiple-ungulate system in northern British Columbia"
Arthur T. Bergerud, The need for the management of wolves an open letter
Arthur T Bergerud’s new book review: The_Return_of_Caribou_to_Ungava_
Dr. Valerius Geist: When do wolves become dangerous to humans?
Dr. Valerius Geist: Hydatid diseases-Synopsis Wolf February 7th 2010
Dr. Valerius Geist: Wolves: When ignorance is Bliss
Dr. Valarius Geist– Kent Carnegie and wolf political correctness 2 part article
Dr. Valarius Geist– Did the wolves balance the ecosystem near his home on Vancouver Island BC?
See the attached summary of Alaska’s predator management program
An Interview with Will Graves, the Author of “WOLVES IN RUSSIA: Anxiety Through the Ages”, by Jim Beers.
Coronation Island wolf study in Alaska (What happens if wolves aren't managed and how they balance the eco-system)?
When Biologists Stocked Alaska with Wolves , (More info on Coronation Island study)
Did Teddy Roosevelt See Different Wolves Than Historians Claim Existed Once In N. Rockies?
1993-What the Government does not want you to know about wolf recovery
1996-Wolf Recovery,political Ecology, and endangered species
George Dovel’s “The Outdoorsman”, 26 January 2008 What They Didn’t Tell You About Wolf Recovery
Is delisting rigged?, by Dr. Charles E. Kay
Predation, lies, myths and scientific fraud By Dr. Charles E. Kay
The high cost of predation, By Dr. Charles E. Kay
Will Graves 1993 letter to Ed Bangs